Here is a helpful tip for all novel iPad/iPhone users who would like to change the default search engine on Safari iOS 7.x. Safari, the web browser of preference for a good number of iOS users, allows you search on Bing, Google, or Yahoo fast.

Safari’s integrated search bar allows you search the web devoid of having to first go to Yahoo or Google or Bing’s website and after that type the search word. As an alternative, you simply type the search word in the integrated bar and you land at the results page from here. The default search engine is Google.

I do not know why somebody would want to change the search engine to something other than Google however let’s suppose that you do desire to change it.

Here is how to change default search engine to Safari on your iPad or iPhone:

  • Open Settings
  • Scroll down and hit on Safari
  • Now, hit on the initial label that states Search Engine
  • choose a search engine from Yahoo!, Google, and Bing
  • Leave the settings app. Also, leave Safari from the backdrop if you have it opened.
  • Restart Safari and search from the integrated bar. You will at this moment be directed to the results page of the search engine you chose.


Default Search Engine in Safari

Default Search Engine in Safari

Apple’s Siri changed to Bing since the iOS upgrade. It is a tactical move from Apple to flee from Google services in so far as possible (the earliest to exit was YouTube and Maps). By the way, Safari still utilizes Google as the default search. We are not certain if this may change in iOS 8, the forthcoming iOS firmware showcased at the WWDC 2014.


To ploy Siri into showing results from Google in place of Bing, you just need to precede any search query with “Google”. Hence if you are in search of information concerning iPhone 6 reports, you simply say, “Google iPhone 6 rumors” and Siri would bring search results from Google.

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