The Great Brain Experiment


It is the best Android game that makes you a part of the exclusive scientific experiment. You can test your memory power, impulsivity and even decision making potential. This app was developed by the neuroscientists at University College London who ‘gamified’ their research to an unusual brain development yet funny app. Every time you play the game, you are consciously or unknowingly taking part in the research and contributing data to a scientific experiment. Winning this game finally depends on how you take risks and how well your imaginary eye can see. Of course, this game is dangerously addictive and intuitive.

Brothers in Arms 2 Global Front


 It is one of the best shooter games that utilize the full potential of the new quad core processors in the Android phones. This game is so rich in graphics and will show you the complete beauty of the big screens. You can play this game in Story mode in addition to multiplayer. It is similar with the console games in mobile phones which has single player mode and multi-player style. It’s up to you to make dog tags and  the Xp to unlock the masses of extra features available for you as you play. You can utilize this earned rewards and customize your soldiers or also obtain Medals to open them easier. The degree of customization that you can do to the soldier is incredible.

Pool Mania


It is the ever quickest to load game which beats all of the other pool mania games. It offers a analytical path line that will help you play the game with no trouble. The path line will show you where the ball is expected to fall. It has three modes as challenge, arcade and practice.



It is obviously going to be one of your beloved games if you are an artwork lover. Through this, you have to expertise your universe with amazing pixel art. While playing the game, make your own world with every sand grain to, buildings, trees, water and a lot more. Sometimes, you might experience this game to be a hard one in the beginning, but when you warm up, it’s turning to be one of the easiest games that you have ever played in any mobile phones. You can play with physics, compile your own music and do much more with this app. You can also generate or destroy the universe with whatever things you need with your mind’s eye.

GT racing Motor Academy


It has three modes like career, arcade and multiplayer. You can decide the car, track and events to make an inspiring start. To get more cars, you have to pass the full test and wine license.

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