, one of the standard social bookmarking websites, have found a new owner under the new company AVOS, but the name Delicious is being retained. Yahoo was the previous owner of Delicious, and as the company is being acquired by a new one, the bookmarks you had, have to go under the TOS of AVOS, and before 23rd of September, all the users have to agree to the shifting and agreeing of the TOS of AVOS.
Here is what AVOS has to say about the fate of accounts:
We plan to start migrating everyone’s data to the new site on September 24, so any Delicious users who haven’t opted in by September 23 will lose all their bookmarks and account information. Consider this the final reminder: if you want to bring all your links to cool websites along for the ride when Delicious re-launches, please transfer your bookmarks now.
Delicious will remain as Delicious now too, but only the backend company which owns it, has changed. AVOS is a company being launched by the Youtube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. With the site in such hands, we are sure that the site would be seeing something better now. And if still the users aren’t satisfied, they have got the option to export the bookmarks and decide to permanently bid a goodbye to Delicious.
The reasons why AVOS asks users to transfer their bookmarks is, to continue the uninterrupted usage of Delicious, and to retain the current username they have taken at Delicious, because once the shifting occurs after 24th, the username if not transferred to the new site, would be available for others to register.
Something about AVOS:
AVOS is a new Internet company led by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who founded YouTube, the world’s largest video site. Before YouTube, Chad and Steve were early employees at PayPal, a leading online payment service that is now part of eBay. AVOS is based in San Mateo, California.

Delicious Acquired by AVOS but Retains the Name Delicious