Guest post by Yousuf Khan, one of the participants of Pakistan Blog Awards.
I want to tell you that PC World has successfully managed to organize the second “Pakistan Blog Award” by partnership with Nokia, djuice, Intel and Dell. So if you are a Pakistani blogger, you must participate in this competition.
Like any competition, this one also have some rules.
- Your blog must have been updated in the previous 30 days with even a single post or photo/video. (For photo blogs and Video Blogs)
- You must have the permission for the image, video and content you are posting.
- “The geographical proximity of the blogger does not matter. The blog, however, must be linked to Pakistan in some way – either through the topic, language or audience. So, Pakistanis managing their blogs from outside of Pakistan are also welcome to submit entries.“
- Nominations can not be done after 25-nov-2011. And If the number of nominations exceeds 350 before the deadline, the site will automatically be closed for nominations.
These are not all but some of the major rules. Learn more.
How to Enter
Entering this competition is really simple and easy but note that not all blogs would be selected. To enter, go to this link and enter the details like your name, email, cell number etc. Selecting the correct category is really important as your blog can be disqualified for selecting a wrong category.
You must submit a complete screenshot of your site (We recommend SnagIt for this purpose) and make sure to upload your image. (Real image OR Avatar)
How to Vote
Voting is really simple, first of all go to this link. Scroll down and select the amount of stars you want to give to a blog (Refer to the image). You must ask others to comment on your blog’s page appreciating your blog which will help in improving the winning chances.
You can promote your blog by sharing it on Social networking sites and putting the banners from here on your website. You must also ask your friends and family members to vote for you as 50% of the decision will be made by votes.
How the Winners are Selected
Judging will be done on the basis of aesthetics, content, technical and overall feedback. Below are the factors which will be used to judge websites:
- Relevance to Pakistan (measured by the number of links)
- Creativity in design and multimedia elements
- Number of votes
- History of the blog (years providing service)
- Content
- User Friendliness
- Technical Aspects
- Originality
- Complexity
- Consistency of Posting
- Relevance of Content to the Title of a Blog
- Number of Feedback Posts on a Blog
- Interactivity with and use of other popular social media platforms and landscapes like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. in conjunction with the blog.
50% of the judging will be done by the votes while the other 50% by judges but remember that judges have the power to select a new/low voted blog if it’s technically a good one. (Complete Judging Criteria) Here’s what the official website reads:
The judges may also be subjective and assert their power to make a low vote/viewed blog win if they feel that the blog/blogger meets their own standards. And that’s also what will keep the suspense going as to WHO the winners are since nobody will know until the envelopes open up
When will Result be Announced
The winner will be announced on 10th, Dec, 2011 at the Award ceremony which will be held at Regent Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan. Here’s what my friend said to me:
Even if you don’t win, I would recommend u must come at the award ceremony if you want to see the scope of this industry and ateast u will see Regent 5 star hotel and have a lavish dinner, with Red Bull cans and yeah a chance to win a smartphone and Giveaways stuff for sure 😛
My blog HaveFunForver has been selected and if you want, you can vote for me here.
Some important dates to remember:
- Closing of Site and Voting: 25th November 2011
- Sending of Sites to Judges: 28th November 2011
- Closing of Nominations/Judging Process: 5th December 2011
- Awards Announcement: 10th, December 2011

Pakistan Blog Awards – Info, Rules and Winner Selection