Facebook is on a roll with the addition of features day by day, and the new feature that was added to the social network is the Live notification sidebar that lies just above the chat bar, which is now reduced to half the original side. The other latest changes that happened on Facebook, include the Photo Viewer upgrade and the Status Update box changes. Here are a few things that you can see on the Facebook sidebar, explained with the pics –
Comments on Status
The live notification system shows the status updates and comments that friends do on the update. It works just in the perfect way, showing a few words in the notification itself, hovering over and clicking would open the status update on the same page and you can even add your comment without having to open the status update in a new page or reload the page.
Friend add notification & Friend info
When your Friend accepts friendship of any request, that would come into the notification section and you can view the profile summary of the person who is accepted as a friend. From the same place, you could also send a friend request, and check the mutual friends between you both.
Link Sharing Notification
When your friend shares a link on Facebook, it shows in the live notification and if that is a video too, it would show the video there itself in the box that expands once you click on the notification. Watch the link and you can like/comment.
Facebook Photo Live Comment Box
If a friend uploads a photo, the notification appears when others like it or comment on it. The photo page loads at the same place and you too can comment or like the photo.
Friend Online Notification
Whenever a friend logs in, the online notification comes in, and you can check the latest update of theirs in the box that opens. And, from there itself you can select to chat with that friend. Facebook is trying to make users take the advantage of the chat section fully.
Wall Post Comment Notification
The wall post comments and updates are also shown in the notifications, and just like all the other stuff above, you can comment directly.
The main advantage of all this, the ticker and notification panel is that there is no need to refresh the page or go to the respective pages and reload to open each. You can just do almost everything from this sidebar section. Of course there is a disadvantage, the chat section goes down to half the size, and you need to scroll down the long list to see if any friend of yours is online, if you wanted to check about someone in particular. Am pretty much impressed, this being a good time for Facebook to launch all this when Google Plus is practically being called boring nowadays, and people would again start sticking back with Facebook.

Facebook Rolls Out Live Notification Sidebar / Profile Ticker