Long distance relationships are difficult, but without help, they can be unbearable. iPhone and Android applications are available to help couples keep the spark alive in their relationships. Consider how this roundup of seven mobile applications by Gay Parship can help couples in their long distance journey together:
1. Pair
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone and Android in the Future
Pair is recommended for couples in a long distance relationship. The service allows couples to interact apart as they might in person. Couples SMS for free, message for free and share location for free with Pair. Photos and videos can also be shared for free. Couples can also sketch together and “thumb kiss” from a single application. There are numerous features that allow couples to interact with one another.
The thumb kiss is one of the most unique features of the application. When the thumbprints are in the same place on the phone, the phone will vibrate. This allows the two people to feel connected. Partners can play Tic-Tac-Toe together or sketch a partner’s face in real time. The simple interactions keep couples connected.
2. FourSquare – iOS and Android
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone and Android
Some couples are protective in their relationships. Consider Foursquare to keep track your significant other’s whereabouts at all times. The two of you can check into the same chain establishments in different locations and describe the experience. Share a meal together, shop together and earn points.
The application allows couples to view where their significant other or other friends has checked in recently. Places will allow couples to locate nearby venues, and “Me” will show the check-in history of people.
3. What Makes Love True By Tiffany and Co.
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone
Tiffany helps couples keep the romance alive with their application. It helps to inspire couples with love stories from other couples. When couples do get together in person, they can leave their initials on the “Love is Everywhere” map. Tiffany recommends sending a token of your love from the Tiffany collection. This is an excellent application to help couples keep the love alive.
4. Instagram – iOS and Android
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone and Android
Instagram app helps couples share photographs and keep their significant other informed through photos. An entire gallery can be created to catalogue the events of each person’s life while the couple is apart from each other. The photos can also be shared via Facebook and Twitter. Photo filters are included to touch up photographs and to help improve the art form. The filters are easy to use and only require a simple touch of a button.
5. Google+ Hangouts – iOS and Android
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone and Android
The Hangout video chat option can be helpful for keep a romance alive. You can view each other’s faces and feel closer to one another while having a phone conversation. The application will even allow couples the opportunity to watch a film simultaneously. As long as the Internet connection is fast and reliable, there is no limit to the hours of enjoyment couples can have with each on the phone. If you want to have a group date, up to ten people can be added to the chat simultaneously.
The best part is that you can designate a group specifically for your significant other. Acquaintances, close friends, family, co-workers and other people in your life can have a special designated group.
6. Hanging with Friends
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone
Hanging with Friends is an excellent application to help couples interact with one another. This application is a modified version of Hangman that allows couples to play games with each other and also chat during the game. This is just a way for couples to engage in activity as they would on a date. It is also gives couples something to talk about.
7. Kayak – iOS and Android
Price: Free
Platform: iPhone and Android
Kayak is a necessity for any long distance relationship. When couples want to visit in person, Kayak helps couples book flights, rental cars and hotels. The application allows price comparisons, flight booking and trip itinerary planning. The status of the flight can be determined with this application also. This application can help keep couples organized as they plan trips.
Article provided by Gay Parship.

7 iPhone & Android Apps for People in Long Distance Relationships