Environment groups along with concerned citizens are now ringing the bell that all must change the habits and try saving the planet Earth. With simple steps, one can start going green in the workplace and help to save the Earth.
Recycling is the key
Recycling paper is the first way through which one can go green in the workplace. You can use the semi used papers or write on back side of the papers.
How to use printers?
Another way is to take consideration about the usage of printer at your office. If you print the material on both sides of a paper, it will help greatly to cut down on the amount of paper that you use. And so, when there is less use of the papers, this simply means less cutting down of the trees and more of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Not just can the text or graphics be printed on both sides, you can even recycle the paper products rather than just discarding them away.
Make a recycle bin
You can even encourage your co-workers to make a recycle bin for the plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Then you can use these proceeds for paying for some employee’s appreciation dinner or party.
Use technology
Emailing is yet another technique for going green in the workplace. Send reminders of deadlines and meetings through the emails and lessen the use of printed notices.
Telecommunication is also something that helps a great deal when it comes to going green in the workplace. This is something that has made it really easy to get the work done without even leaving the home. Just maximize this benefit by holding the conferences and meetings online or on phones rather than asking people to meet at some location. This will save a huge amount of gasoline required in travel and the pollution that is caused by motor vehicles.
Save on energy
More so, minimizing the usage of energy helps a lot as well to go green. Try turning off the lights when they are not required. Also, do not use more lights or fans than are actually adequate. Use the fluorescent bulbs as they burn less of electricity and reduce the usage of incandescent bulbs. Further, keep the computer on energy saving mode and turn them off when you will not be using it for some time.
If you wish to go green in the workplace, you can even donate the old magazines and newspapers to some local shelters, hospitals or nursing homes.
Going green for the Earth
Thus, going green campaign can be started with some small steps. When each one of us does the small part, it will surely make big difference in the end. So, start conserving the natural resources not just at home but even at your workplace.
Going green at workplace will not just be useful to you and your office, but even to the mother Earth. You just need to make some changes in your daily lifestyle to go green. But even a smallest of effort will definitely contribute in saving the natural resources and the Mother Nature.
Want to be a responsible tech guy? Read another article on going green in the workplace on the tech blog: TechFume.com

Environment & Tech: How to go Greener at your Workplace