What is BBM?
BlackBerry Messenger or BBM as it is commonly known was one of the first mainstream instant-messaging services on all smartphones. BBM™ is the best way to connect and share instant messages as well as pictures and more for free, in real time. The app comes preloaded onto BlackBerry devices allowing consumer to text, call, video chat and also share screens with other BlackBerry consumers via 3G and free over Wi-Fi. You can privately share calendar events, photos and other documents with BlackBerry Group feature with up to 30 other BBM users.
· BBM Video:User can switch BBM chat to a BBM™ Video conversation with just a tap and catch up face-to-face.
· BBM Voice: Say it all. Now, BBM is available with voice. For the times, now you can hear a friend’s laughter instead of reading of their LOLs, so finally BBM comes with BBM™ Voice.
· BBM connected apps: With the BBM connected apps, Socialize over apps,you can chat with BBM friends within your connected apps and select BBM contacts right from the connected app to invite them to join in on the fun or download it.
Available for iOS Users
There are a lot of great alternate texting apps out there, but many of them are useful only if allyour friends use them too. You can now BBM them with the free BlackBerry Messenger app for iOS if you have BlackBerry-using friends and also you’ve probably heard of BBM before: it’s the previously BlackBerry-only service that lets you send texts as well as pictures and more over user data connection with other BBM users. Now, you can see when your messages have been delivered and then read, and control as well who can message you on mobile by adding their PIN number to the contacts list. It’s basically like theiMessage, but for BlackBerry users (and it came first).
Now, iOS users can get in on the fun with new BBM app. Just download this app, set up your user profile, and you can BBM back and forth with the other BlackBerry or BBM-using friends just by sharing PIN numbers.
Top app of iOS users
The rush to download instant messaging app saw it shoot to the top of app charts in more than 75 countries. Considering the huge interest in this app, this looks to have been a best and wise decision.As a day after being released, BBM app became the most popular messaging app in the mobile world.
After the splashy start BBM is having with high priority, it is quite possible that the BBM is on track to hit between the 20 million and the 40 million iOS downloads by end of the year if the early success triggers the curious sampling by consumers bored with their current messaging apps.
Where Available:
BBM is available as a free download in the Apple – App Store,Google – Play marketand also in the Samsung App Stores. I suggest everyone to download it today for instant messagingwhich also allows photos sharing and the voice notes, and engage in BBM Groups chats containing up to 30 users.iOS users will be able to add their contacts through email, SMS,PIN or QR code scan.

Review: BBM Available for iOS