Category "iOS"

on in Apple iOS Iphone iPhone How-to

Launch Center Pro is an application for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch that permits users to launch applications and simple jobs straight from the app. as opposed to starting Safari, steering to the search site, and keying in your search, for example, Launch Center Pro allows you directly search Wikipedia or Google; Launch Center Pro as well can......

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Are you depressed with the having to sign on your settings app each time you would like to alter one of your settings? If you boast a jail broken gadget you can download a jailbreak tweak called SBSettings that makes it uncomplicated to access stuff like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. SBSettings offers you a set of toggles right on......

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on in Apple iOS Iphone

You bought a new iPhone! Perhaps it is a pastel rainbow 5C or a thumbprint-reading 5S. Either way, what now? Here is what you require to get started with your novel iPhone, whether you are a novice or an iOS pro. Charging Tip Like with every Smartphone, the iPhone’s weakest connection is its battery. Handling your Li-ion......

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