Aircel GPRS comes with the name Pocket Internet, and just like the other mobile networks, they provide the limited internet plans to access the web from mobile phones using the Aircel SIM cards. Usually after the activation of the GPRS, Aircel sends the users with the settings which they have to save and restart the phone for the settings to be saved. But many a times, this fails. There you need to use the manual settings in your phones.
Here are the manual settings for Aircel Pocket Internet GPRS –
1. NAME: Aircel Online
2. Homepage :
3. User Name :Blank
4. Password :Blank
5. Use preferred Access Point :aircelgprs or aircelwap
6. Open Access Point Setting
7. Proxy:Enabled
8. Proxy address :
9. Port :8081
10. Data Bearer : Packet Data
The Access Point Names:
aircelgprs.po – For postpaid SIM cards – For prepaid SIM cards
Alternate settings –
Name: pocket internet
Access point: aircelwap
PROXY address:
PORT no: 8080
Activate Aircel GPRS Freedom Plan –
In few areas, there is a plan called Freedom plan for Aircel users, especially the Tamil Nadu users. For them, to activate the plan they need to send an SMS as “FP YES” To “57788” or call 52024 for the activation. There is even an option of easy recharge to activate this plan. You can get this done by visiting any Aircel office and getting the easy recharge done.
Airtel GPRS Plans –
It is called Pocket Internet, and you just need to have a GPRS enabled mobile to activate the internet plans by Aircel. Here are the offers –
Rs 14 for 3 days Gprs (Rs 1 Talk time)
Rs 98 for 30 days Gprs (Rs 1 Talk time)
- Just E-Top Up / recharge with Rs. 98 to activate this pack.
- Post usage of free benefits, customers will be charged @ 10 paisa (Rs. 0.10) per 10 kb.
- Content download charges as applicable from Aircel Pocket Internet E.g. Themes, Ringtones, Wallpapers, etc.
- Validity of 30 days / 1 day from the date of activation.
For any circle, just SMS “PI” to 121 for the information and activation of the Aircel pocket internet.
Other guides in this section –
BSNL 3G Manual Settings
Vodafone GPRS Settings
Airtel GPRS Settings
Aircel GPRS Settings

Manual Aircel GPRS Settings for all mobiles