A domain name has an impact both on the users and the search engines. It gives a unique identity to the website. Initially, these names were quiet expensive but, of late it can be sought at an affordable price. For new webmasters, it is important to choose a name in order to build a successful website. Without a name, domains look amateurish and unprofessional. There are few requisites that novices need to take into consideration while choosing these names.
Parameters for selecting name
Users type these names on the browser’s address bar to search the website. For beginners, it is important to choose the best name possible for their website. The most important parameter is that the name should be memorable and easy to remember. These names are combinations of letters and numbers. The length might vary, but it should be a minimum of 3 characters and can extend up to 67 characters. Hew tips that beginners can follow are
- Keep the name easy to remember and spell.
- You can use few popular keywords, related to the field if possible.
- Generic terms are also good as domain names.
- Use familiar but unusual domain names.
- Adding a twist to the name can also make the name memorable.
Steps to be followed
While associating a domain name to your website, the first thing that you need to remember is to go through the name servers of your web hosting service. A convenient way to spot a name server from the hosting agency is by contacting them through email. For beginners, it is important to brainstorm few names related to the content.
- Try out different combinations of these names. Longer domain names are easy to remember
- You can also consider inclusion of different characters and forms of word to make it unique.
- Now search its availability in the name server.
- If you are into e-commerce, then link your site to all related sites to generate web traffic.
Register the name
After you have sought the name servers and have finalized the name, then you need to log into the registrar of domain name. The hosting services abide by the ICANN database that keeps track of the different domain names. For this, you need to have a login id and also a password. Each of these registrars follows different methodologies for doing this process. Generally the process entails, listing the name of the domain in the site of the registrar. These registrars have availability checker, which helps to checks whether the name is available or not and also suggests other names.
Pay for the services
After choosing a name with the registrar site, you also have the opportunity to add other services provided by the hosting services. It is also important to register with the WHOIS database, where the webmasters need to provide different information regarding their site. As per your wish, you can choose to make information public or under wraps. You need to pay for these services, in case you want to keep your information private you need to pay extra bucks. After registering with them, you can use their tool to upload content to your site.
There are different tools, provided by different search engines, to optimize the domain names and improve its ranking. They aim at making the search easier and use alternatives that are close to the name typed and increase the web traffic. It is advisable to avoid the use of names that can land you in copyright issues. Selecting a Top Level Domain is also integral to the process. It helps in indicating the nature of the domain, type of business, or organization that the domain indicates. Last and the most important thing is the name along with the TLD should sound to be together they should not sound like a different entity.
Author Bio: Martin White writes blogs related to the steps involved in building a website for beginners. He also elucidates the steps of procuring domain names and how it helps in building a successful website.

Steps To Check For Beginners While Pointing A Domain Name At A Hosting Server