Before bills can be paid and budgets can be drawn for various cash flows, it is important to know the basic financial situation which is what is the amount in balance and what is the amount that is owed. With life now shifting to constant mobility, finance apps for smart phones provide those on the move access to their financial data on the move.
These apps account real time data from service providers. This means that they are linked to banks, creditors, debtors, investments and mutual funds. This gives the smart phone user access to accurate information from where real time decisions can be based on an informed premise. When put into perspective with the days of old when paper ruled and one had to apply for statements, wait for them to come, scan through multiple variables along with multiple daily visits to the bank, these apps make life much easier and leave energy for making actual decisions that poring over variables.
The first issue regarding these apps is security. However, these top 5 apps listed below are secure and indeed as secure as simply carrying one’s credit card along with them. No personal financial data is stored in either their own servers or on the smart phone. Thus, if one does get hacked or if the device falls into the wrong hands then there is nothing that can be taken advantage of. A PIN code can be set as preliminary security and data can be deleted from a remote location as well.
These apps are really useful as they allow for quick decisions on investments made on the stock market, present greater access in a world of short duration opportunities and also allow for anyone to make changes or get opinions on wills at With an accurate impression of finances and investments, decisions on wills and testaments can also be made effectively.
- TOP FIVE FINANCIAL APPS is the top rate software financial application. It has versions for both iOS and Android gives one real time updates while being connected to internet. The app can classify transactions, alert the user regarding crossing budget limits and can even notify impending bill payments. Its top rank is on account of its quick processing and its reliable operation. It’s also a free app available readily on the internet and when worked in conjunction with the web-based, the ap adds depth with accessibility to switch money between accounts and also make forecasts for expenditure.
An iPhone exclusive app allows for detailed and in-depth analysis of credit card statements. The app is especially useful as it raises notifications regarding merchants charging consumers with too much frequency. Consumers may have forgotten about certain services or were not fully aware of their requests. BillGuard identifies a singular element in one’s personal finance which go un-noticed in the complexity of larger programs. A simple app which does its job very well.
Available for free on both the Android and iPhone, Check was previously known as Pageonce. It helps keep track of bills and allows the user to make payments regarding them from the smart phone itself. It allows payment to not just the larger companies with established cash flows but also small and medium enterprises and also individual proprietors.
Bill & Accounts Manager – Manilla
Manilla is available for free across Android, Amazon, or Google Play. It is a handy app which collates all financial data and displays multiple account balances on a single screen on the smart phone. It also allows the user to connect to credit cards, banks and even Groupon Accounts and travel reward programs to ascertain the amount of money or points or rewards the user has and their limitation periods. There is also a manager in the app which keeps records of statements of all the accounts being managed by the app. It keeps all the accounts separate, allowing for diversified viewing.
BudgetBoss is an uncomplicated and easy to use iPhone app which can create budgets, evaluate its affectivity and also makes informed forecasts on financial data. BudgetBoss is not free but it helps spot problems and also helps streamline spending. Not required if another app such as Mint is in use but BudgetBoss does its task well and helps save time spent on financial planning.
Arthur Clarke is a software journalist who has been prowling through recent developments in the financial sector with respect to the advancement in smart phone technology. Financial decisions need to be made on the fly and the smart phone has become the business minded persons companion. Arthur helps in presenting solutions to seamless financial planning from the smart phone. To know more visit site –

Top 5 Apps to Help you Manage your Personal Finances