Real Racing:
The release of this original Real Racing game (£1.99, iPhone) filled us with joy, and not only because it was a great game.
Back in 2009, the iOS still had a real fight on its hands trying to convince the people that it was ‘proper’ gaming platform. Critics claimed it otherwise, arguing iPhones and the iPods were nothing more than repositories for these fly-by-night lightweight titles. For the real games, they said, that you needed a Nintendo DS or a Sony PSP.
Real Racing proved it otherwise and it was one of the key releases that have cemented the place of iOS in the gaming. This wasn’t some simplistic game which you’d finish in an hour, but the fully-fledged racing title that could be stand proud next to the very best handheld racers on platform.
You got dozens of the events, 48 cars to unlock it, 12 tracks in the varied environments, online multiplayer, the beautiful graphics, and it controls geared specifically towards the iOS devices. It launched with the price of £6.99, it was quite expensive as compared to most other iOS titles, but the Real Racing’s fans felt it was worth every penny.
Real Racing GTI
The game is subsequently appeared in the ‘HD’ (£2.99, iPad) and also a freebie, in the form of the Real Racing GTI (free, iPhone). For cash-strapped the racing-game fans, we still recommend it the Real Racing GTI, which has several modes as (Quick Race, Time Trial, GTI Cup), that despite costing precisely nothing.
Real Racing 2
Then at tail end of 2010, the sequel Real Racing 2 (£2.99, iPhone; £4.99 and iPad) appeared, as improving the original in pretty much every way: up to 16 more cars on screen! More cars to unlock it! Extra locations and Better controls!
When we originally reviewed this game, we felt it also had a touch too much grinding, seemingly trying to eke out the extra hours from career mode, but amazingly the Real Racing 2 nonetheless it remains the best simulation-style as 3D racer on the platform. In fact, it is the Real Racing 2 sets such as a high standard that it’s tough to find anything which compares.
GT Racing
When it comes to the career-orientated sim-style racing, our other recommendation is the GT Racing: Motor Academy Free+ as (free, iPhone) which also has the HD incarnation (free, iPad). This GT Racing isn’t as polished as the Real Racing 2, and it also boasts an underlying freemium model which mildly irritating, but both of these courses are demanding and also attractive. Also, entry is free here and we happily played for few hours without ever feeling any need to spend cash.
In order to not cut this off If You Loved the brutally short, it’s necessary to explore the other sub-genres within the 3D car racing. Real Racing 2 that might have simulation-style tracks the racing sewn up, but there are also plenty of other types of racing game.
Rally Master Pro 3D
Rallying, on example, it has long been popular subject for the videogames. As the Rally Master Pro 3D (£2.99, Universal) is excellent handheld adaptation, with 27 other challenging and diverse tracks. Note if you’re finding the game that is bit gruelling, try using it to digital controls, which seems it to offer more precision than their counterparts.

Top iOS Racing Games