When you are a frequent user of a computer system, malware or virus is bound to corrupt your system at some point and therefore, you need to be very alert to ensure that you do not fall prey to this issue. This holds especially true when you are involved in a home based business and offer cheap transcription services. Considering your scale of operation, you cannot afford to burn a hole in your pocket just to get a miscreant virus out of your computer system. Therefore, you need to be more proactive and take steps to ensure that you keep malware and viruses at bay. The best way to do this is by ensuring that you have good antivirus software installed.
However, sometimes, viruses may outperform these antivirus programs leaving you in the lurch. Although you run the risk of losing important files, you can take certain steps to ensure that your important files are retained by taking certain easy steps to get the virus out of your computer system. This does not necessarily mean that you need to pay an engineer through your nose to get the virus out. You can do so yourself by following these easy steps.
1.) Run a scan:
The first and the most important step calls for you to run an antivirus scan to fish out any virus that may be slowing your computer down. There is a possibility that you may lose some data, if not all during the process. However, a regular scan can help you identify viruses and take them down.
Good commercial antivirus software will give you a detailed report on the type of virus and malware that was spotted in the computer system. Once you have the list of the miscreants, it is a good idea to take note of these on a piece of paper. Usually, antivirus software takes care of the virus and takes it off of the computer system making it safe again. Once the scan and virus removal process is complete, you must restart your computer and run the scan again to ensure that your computer system does not show any virus.
2.) Make use of the Safe Mode:
If the virus is persistent, it may refuse to get out of your computer system. Therefore, it will repeatedly show in the virus scan results and even the best antivirus software may be unable to delete it. This holds true especially when using the Windows Operating System. In such a situation, it is wise to rely on the Safe Mode when you use your computer system. When you do this, only the features that are central to the Windows system are used. You must consider running a scan in this mode to ensure that your system is clear of any virus. Usually, in minor cases, this trick will work wonders and erase any virus prevalent in the computer system.
3.) Manual deletion of files:
However, sometimes, even this method may not drive the malware away. If you are a home based transcription company offering cheap transcription services, it may cost you immensely to get a professional to erase the virus. Therefore, it is best that you follow this trick to get rid of the virus.
This is when the noted down names of the virus will be put to good use. It is important that you use the internet to research more about these viruses and the corresponding files that will be left behind by them. When you get access to these names, you must search through your computer for these files and delete them permanently. However, it is crucial that you create a backup of the Registry folder to retrieve files that may have been deleted accidentally.
Author’s bio:
Madison Turner is a freelancer and works from home as a transcriptionist. She offers cheap transcription services and is in the process of starting her very own company. She is an avid reader and loves reading extensively on the lives and works of well known personalities.

Top tips to help you get rid of a computer virus without having to pay through your nose!