When you are going to judge, the best technology and gadget in a particular year, then you have to look into its usability. The reason is that it will make the best technology and gadget to perform in the large scale in our society. Moreover, they should have the power for the betterment on our lifestyle as well. Generally, you can develop any technology theoretically but you have to think about its impact and function on the human life. Therefore, if your technology and gadget may have a greater look and form but it has no any significant impact on our life, then they will have no use as well. Therefore, when you are going to select the best technology and gadget, then you have to look at its usability and serviceability as well.
Leap Motion Controller
This unique USB tool will able you to control your visual screen by moving your hand in the air. Actually, this tool follows the leap motion technology. Logically speaking, the concept of the technology is very simple. Nevertheless, its usability is extreme in terms of the remote control as well. Therefore, you can control your desktop screen on Windows and Mac format easily from your comfortable distance.
If you look at the technology on the different perspective, then you will see that this tool has implemented the basic human movement in the electronic controller. Moreover, one thing is very much plausible that the tool itself bolsters the human comfort into the next level of ecstasy as well. Since, as far as the comfort is concerned, this tool has implemented the leap motion concept in such a way that the human perception can be augured as well.
Nest Protect
Practically, it is a smoke detector tool. Therefore, the logic behind of this tool is to inform the users through the composed and cool tone in the different way. Logically, it is intelligently implemented in such a way that the people will get aware of any kind fire warning in the intuitive way. The reason is that it presents the warning signal through the cool voice so that the people could not get scared unnecessary as well. The intention behind this tool development was to inform the people about the fire warning, so that the people will able to get the enough time for the exit.
Oculus Rift Development Kit
This tool is aimed for the game developers. The reason is that the technology, which is used for this tool, is a well-advanced 3D technology. Moreover, for the game developer and game users both will be enjoyed very much in such a way that the 3D experience will be obtained in the different way. One interesting point about this tool is that if the hardware gives its full potential, then this tool will take to the unknown 3D world where you will never imagine before. Moreover, you can use this tool for PC or Android platform as well.
Basically, this tool is developed for streaming the video content. Therefore, this tool makes a big impression on the people as well. Actually, in this tool, simply the video streaming technology is applied in the USB form. Therefore, the people will able to get the video stream anywhere they go. Moreover, this tool will give you the quality streaming over the wireless technology. Even, you will watch that its simplicity will attract your attention. Since, any technology will shine when it is based on simplicity and it will able to go through the obstruction easily. If you observe deeply, then you will see that it will give the full potential for the service of the humankind as well.
Pebble Smartwatch
Logically, this tool is aimed for the smartphone users. The reason is that it will give the easy access from the remote through this watch. Even, you will able to check your mail or get the update from your mobile. It is very much handy when you are on the move without your smartphone. Through the Bluetooth technology, you will able to use this gadget for your smartphone.
Wood keys for MacBook & Apple Keyboards
It is a unique tool for any Mac users. The reason is that it is only available for the Mac computer. Therefore, no windows user will able to taste it. Since, the concept of this tool is very much practical and it will give you a retro style in your keyboard. One important point you have to remember that this tool uses the wood for the keyboard. Even, wears and tears are very much negligible as well.
Therefore, the best technology and gadgets of 2013 have the different advantages which are rarely seen in the previous year the best gadgets and technologies.
Kelly Marsh is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade. These days she is busy to contributes on getamplify

List of best technology and gadgets launched in 2013