You’d miss half of your lifetime (your e-life to be more precise) if you don’t make use of these amazing iOS 7 features. And yes, though you may be enjoying your i-device, be it an iPad on a comfy iPad keyboard case or the latest iPhone 6, these features can definitely spice up your Apple-centric existence. For a better i-device experience, prepare to be astounded.
It seems Cupertino people have placed a lid on these cool features as many have not been made aware of it (for now); but these can sure pack a punch, if you make use of them that is.
1. Choose who you talk to. Before, it was up to your carrier to get you away from those pesky callers or unwanted calls. Now, Apple has made these feature easily available on your iOS 7 device. Just go to Settings, then to Phone or Settings then to Messages and activate the Blocked section near the bottom. Sounds easy right? It truly is. And put harassment out for good.
2. Do an Audio-Only Face Time. Ok. Let’s face it. Sometimes you may want to save on those precious cellular minutes or perhaps just don’t want to do a face-to-face conversation. The solution: ring via Face Time but click the phone icon instead. Neat. Now you can talk more.
3. Mark every message as Read. These is heaven-sent for people who use to explore the iOS bug just to mark all messages as read. A “Mark All” button installed gives you access to this cool feature with but one single tap. And do as you wish after.
4. Automatic Wi-Fi access. Now you can enjoy your i-device experience even more as the new iOS gets you Wi-Fi access at no cost and at absolutely no sweat. For instance, when your i-device gets anywhere near an AT&T Wi-Fi, voila, you get instant internet connection – without the hassle.
5. Know when your messages arrived. Time stamps for your messages can now be viewed on your i-device. Pretty convenient to put things in perspective. Just go to the Messages app and swipe from the right side.
6. Get those picture frames hung right. The new OS comes with a built-in Compass app. Just activate the app, get your i-device lined against the wall and get that zero degrees to get your best shot. Fantastic!
7. More privacy. Alright, for those of you who frown at that bright white screen in your face when you use your i-device, Apple has good news for you. This is most especially applicable for those who drive at night, perhaps to get cozy somewhere. The new Apple app gets to adjust the brightness of your device automatically when viewing those Maps (i.e., Night Mode). Cool, now you can get around without attracting unnecessary attention to yourself.
8. Let Siri manage your calls. Not only do you have more choices for your fave Siri voice (i.e., his or her), you may call on your Siri to do some call management for you. For instance, missed a call and you don’t know who called? Just talk to Siri and have the info in no time. Pretty neat.
We don’t want to overwhelm you for now with too many amazing secrets. We just want to give you a taste of how powerful the new iOS 7 is. Which is another way of saying, this new OS has definitely a lot more in store for you, if you just take a closer look.

Amazing secret iOS 7 Features