It is a known fact that Apple and Samsung are the global pioneers in terms of the smartphones. They have their fair share of loyal consumers however, both Apple and Samsung are in a constant race to get more people to convert from their current preferred brand and switch to the ones that they ship. While Apple and Samsung both need to focus and getting more people to convert, they also need to keep a firm hold on their existing customers. Based on the survey conducted by CIRP, which is short for Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, some startling truths were found out about the consumer base of both Apple and Samsung and the statistics offered by this agency are proof enough of the same. On a quarterly basis, around 500 consumers are interviewed based on their choice of their mobile phone over a period of 3 months.
1.) Loyal Customers:
As per the reports presented from the survey, it was found that about 41% people who initially owned an iPhone purchased an iPhone itself even the second time around while this percentage was slightly higher in the case of Samsung users. However, while this set of statistics may leave you convinced that Samsung may be doing a better job or holding on to its existing customers, the next set of statistics clearly defy it with nearly 20 % of the iPhone users previously being users of an Android phone. In comparison to this healthy percentage of users, Samsung could manage to reel in only 7 % of the existing iPhone users to use their smartphones powered by Android.
2.) Non – Smartphone users:
This may have you thinking that the ball may be in Apple’s court; however, this is far from truth. When deciding who the smartphone superpower is, it is also important to consider those mobile users who were previously using a mobile phone that was in fact of a very basic nature or boasted of absolutely no features. To put it simply, considering users who earlier did not own a smartphone is a must. Samsung has an upper hand over Apple in this criterion with nearly 37 % people switching to Samsung as opposed to Apple which could attract only 26 % of the basic mobile phone users.
3.) First Time mobile buyers:
Taking into account the first time mobile buyers is also important. Based on CIRP survey reports, Samsung is the preferred brand of smartphone for about 6 % of the users who have never bought a phone before. When compared to its competitor, Apple could manage to attract a mere 2 % of new or first time smartphone buyers to get their phone.
While these statistics clearly claim that both Samsung and Apple are head to head in this battle for attracting the maximum number of customers, you cannot rule out the other entrants that are making an equal amount of effort to get into this spotlight for being the better smartphone brand. Whilst all the talk is of Apple and Samsung, we shouldn’t rule out the Windows & Nokia partnership just yet. Recent analyst reports suggest that Windows phones have broken the 10% market share barrier in Europe which is a significant jump. They’re gaining ground and could make the smartphone battle more than just a two horse race.
When it comes to phone usage, Apple boasts of a customer base of about 79 % who are likely to use their phones between a time period of one and three years. Samsung also trails in close at 75 %. Therefore, when all the factors are taken into account, Apple definitely has a slight advantage over Samsung.
Author’s bio:
Cara Golding is a marketing expert and she is also involved in gathering detailed reports for electronic and other gadgets. She has been working in this field for nearly 6 years. Being a technology buff, she absolutely enjoys her job and also works on a blog.

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