Apple`s iWatch is one of the most talked about gadget on various websites, which is center of countless rumors and predictions. With rising of rumors day by day all over the different websites, the expectations among the Apple fans are also increasing simultaneously. However, to our misery, still no official confirmation has been yet received from Apple and thus iWatch is still a mysterious product that may release sometime soon or may not release ever. The only sources of hope seems to be these ongoing rumors which may or may not be true but let us know what we can expect from this tech venture from Apple.
According to Bloomberg, a team headed by Jony Ive has already started to develop this gadget and many wearable designing experts are also employed by Apple to boost this project. Certain sources reported that Apple is currently developing couple of prototypes, both of which work with a 100mAh battery. There were reports about the battery issue in iWatch stating that the battery life in prototypes is not as much as it is needed. Apple employees are thus focused more on this subject are implementing some changes in the processor and display to attain at least 4-5 days of standby time. There are also reports that indicate about the screen sizes of these prototypes, one being of 1.3 inch which will be specially designed for women and the other being of 1-4 inch, designed for men. Below we will let you through the information that we have on the release date and price speculations of this particular gadget.
Apple iWatch Release Date
There are countless rumors and predictions about this particular information on Apple`s iWatch, with even a rumor that suggested in early 2012 that it may release that year itself, but nothing till now came true. Now every year going through, the predictors are predicting new month and year for its release. But as the reports are actively coming that the Apple iWatch has recently entered its development phase prior to its experimental phase, the ongoing rumor about its release at the end of 2014 may probably come true. A report from an unknown source suggested that Apple may release this gadget after the release of iPhone 6 and thus the end of the year release rumors have increased considerably. However, do not rely completely on this information as till now we have no official confirmation from Apple about the release of this particular gadget.
Apple iWatch Price
Many analysts across the world are setting price tag on this gadget, but yet we have not received any official comments about the actual price at which it will be available. And thus it may be pretty early to talk about the price of the iWatch. However, you can expect it to be in between the price range of $149 to $249, as Apple would not want to reduce it sales by releasing it at a higher rate.

Apple`s iWatch: Release Date and Price Speculations