In the current era, there are hundreds of thousands of apps available and to surprise you, many of the best performing options are offered for free. Some include iPhone applications used for social networking, news, photography, travel, productivity and many more. They include;
It’s a facetime which is a great substitute to normal voice calls despite the fact it is not advisable for contacting someone with a Mac or well-matched iOS gadget. The interface is uncomplicated and user friendly, enabling anyone with the free Skype account to make free calls to others hooked on the same. It’s particularly handy if you are on pay and go but for those with iPad touch phones, the app installed enables you to utilize it for calls.
It is the world’s greatest social network that brings with it a tightly honed experience to both iPhone and iPod touch users. It has linked billions of users enabling them to access your contacts, feeds among other important information. With this sense of focus makes it in a couple of ways superior to using facebook for linking to the world.
The prospect of Nike+ better and offered for free sounds unlikely, but this is what Runkeeper provides. Previously, it was split into ‘pro’ and free versions but currently the provider has included all the features in a single free app. At a free charge, users can use their iPhones GPS capabilities for tracking the cycling or jogging routes, examine mapping among others. By manual entry, activities can be shared online like treadmill runs and other exercise details.
Users are able to access virtual pianos and guitars that are excellently placed but purely digital. They are more suited to Apple handhelds and by use of a grid-based interface it’s possible to turn tones on and off composing pleasant and harmonious loops. You can edit the creation easily, save and upload it to share with other Tonepad users.
It is another widely used app and connects most people, the official twitter might luck some features like the tweetbot, but still provides a simple sleek means of using the service. It also contains new features from the website like connect and discover views hence with expandable tweets; users are enabled to upload photos or videos to make their communication lively.
Many apps available engage in transferring content between one computer to another or to devices but for dropbox is the better option. This because it is free and user friendly than most of its contemporaries since you just dump files you want to sync in one folder hence down load them for offline or online viewing.
National rail enquiries
This is well known by anyone commuting by train and it is a handy app installed at the main train stations. For those who know the UK Train Times, it not the same but slightly similar and is parked with journey planning, timetables, a location aware next train home option alongside with the progress tracking. This free app gives the uses knowledge of when the train is likely to show up.

Best free apps on iOS for 2014