If a survey is to be made today to know what ails computer workers the most, eye-strain would probably get the top spot. And it would not surprise us. Studies have continually shown that up to 90 percent of those people whose jobs involve manning the computer day-in day-out, suffer from worrisome visual symptoms. Even those Appleholics who give a huge chunk of their everyday enjoying gaming or what not on their iPad (parked on a suitable iPad keyboard case) may not be immune to such.
So for those who want a more profitable or more worthwhile computer experience without damaging your most precious “window to the outside world”, read on.
1. Get your eyes examined.
You need professional assessment to know your score. And this should be routine. Do it once-a-year or twice if the need arises. Getting your eyes assessed could be the single most important step you can take to protecting your vision.
NIOSH or National Institute of Occupational Safety recommends having an eye exam before starting a computer-related job.
2. Utilize sufficient lighting.
Excessive bright light whether from the outside or from the interior can cause your eye to strain unnecessarily. When using a computer, a good rule of thumb is having your ambient light adjusted to about half as bright to regular office lighting.
You may also want to consider using floor lamps (i.e., incandescent or halogen) for best results as overhead fluorescent lamps can be a burden to the eye. To this end, make sure you make full use of drapes, blinds or shades to block unhealthy exterior light.
3. Reduce glare.
Glare is a major culprit for eye strain. Minimize by installing anti-glare screen on monitors and beware of white walls. Instead utilize a darker color complete with a matter finish. If you can’t do away with outside glare, you may want to put on a computer hood. Glasses can help. Buy one with (AR) anti-reflective coating.
4. Use the right display.
Do away with CRT (Cathode ray tube) displays. Instead utilize flat-panel LCD (liquid crystal display) for less strain. CRT displays produce imperceptible “flickers” which makes your eye work double time. For better viewing, employing at least a 19 inch display could be best.
5. Blink more.
Blinking is a natural means to get your eyes needed moisture. However, people tend to blink less – about 70% less – in front of a computer. In the process, your eye gets dry and irritation could follow.
6. Use the 20-20-20 rule.
Focusing can cause eye strain. When people get caught up in their work in front of their PC, they tend to get their eye fixed on the device resulting in focusing fatigue. To counteract such, make a habit of looking away from you monitor every 20 minutes or so. Take time to gaze upon distant objects (i.e., 20 meters more or less) . In short, employ the 20-20-20 rule. After 20 minutes of computer work, rest your eyes by focusing on an object at least 20 meters away for a duration of 20 seconds. Very relaxing.
7. Enjoy more breaks.
To minimize undue strain on your eyes, neck and shoulder, take more breaks. A regular two 15-minute break can be rewarding. Recent NIOSH study, however, shows that taking an additional four five-minute breaks perks up employee performance even more.
8. Consider protective eye wear.
Customized computer glasses can be your best bet against eye strain. Consult an eye professional to get you your best set. Contact lenses, on the other hand, can be uncomfortable when your eyes become dry. Taking care of your eyes can be vital. If you want to keep your computer job earn you more of the bucks, that is.

Handling Computer Eye strain in 8 easy steps