Now that you can make your own alerts and ringtones for your cell phone, you can begin setting particular ones for individual contacts. You could include songs that have to do with the individual calling or texting. You could record the individual stating their name and make use of that as an alert hence you would know precisely who is contacting you. You could as well make tones and alerts that rise in urgency and allocate them to contacts founded on significance.
The text tones accessible to SMS apps in Android are stored in a particular folder on your gadget — after you choose to change the notification sound linked with text messages, this is the folder that the app looks for existing tones. To include a new tone, you should copy a file to this directory. Supported formats comprise AAC, MP3, WAV, FLAC and OGG.
Saving a New Text Tone
New tones should be kept in the media/audio/notifications directory in the gadget’s major internal storage. You can connect your tablet or phone to your PC using USB to copy a file, save a file directly from the Web on your gadget, or make use of a third-party app for instance Dropbox to sync a file. When the file is saved or copied to this place in a compatible format, it will emerge like an option in your SMS app notification sound settings.
Setting a Custom SMS Tone
Setting a custom alert for your SMS messages, emails, picture messages, and so forth, is just as simple as setting a custom ringtone. The distinction is you should move the sound file to the \media\audio\notifications folder as indicated above. After you have accomplished that, you can set the general alert tone in Settings > Sound > Notifications: Notification ringtone.
Nevertheless, do keep in mind that playing a three minute MP3 each time you get a text is going to get pretty irritating! A number of phones in fact cut the tune off following the initial few seconds.
Choosing a particular part of the Song
The song will play from the beginning of the track, and this may not be the perfect point for a ringtone (mainly for a notification). You can choose a particular part of the song to make use of through editing the MP3 on your PC with a piece of music software, and eliminating everything aside from the clip you would like to listen to.
You can employ such software to change the tempo and remix it with other tracks.

How to get a custom text tone on Android