In an age where twitter as well as facebook has both grown to a place that where everyone wants to simultaneously update their status which can be possible either ways, like some wants to either wants to update twitter status via facebook while some may choose to update their facebook status with the help of twitter. So, let’s check out how you can update the status of facebook and twitter from either platforms easily with the help of some simple tricks and apps.
Auto Update facebook application:
With the help of this facebook application, the facebook users can easily update their twitter status right from your facebook application. All you need to do is to just simply search for the twitter application is the facebook, install it and enjoy updating the status right from the comfort of your facebook account. If you wish to selectively update the status updates to twitter then too you can do so with the application called Selective twitter status application which only updates the wall post which has the #fb hashtag. It’s actually a keyword based function which syncs all the tweets unless and until a tweet is included.
Use the twitter client:
There are many social apps present in the web space which offers excellent integration of several accounts including both the twitter accounts as well as facebook accounts and provide an altogether simple interface with both twitter and facebook’s inclusion. The two such desktop as well as mobile apps which brilliantly integrates not only facebook and twitter but also multiple account support complements the overall user interface thus making it simple to update the status in either accounts. While blackberry people has the Social Scope, iPhone owners can make use of excellent client which is tweetion. Apart from these clients there are many such type of clients which will help you update the status, so go ahead and make use of that.
Facebook Connect
Facebook connect is the official facebook way to update the status of twitter right from the comfort from your facebook account, with a neat and simple interface, it feels and leaves very simple feeling without doing much in updating the status to other platform instantaneously. Basically, the is a great application plugin add on wherein once you connect this app with your account, you can easily post the update which includes the option of selective tweets, rich media links on the wall, convert the twitter names in the @replies and also you can track the link performance using the tool.
Just Speak it
Yes, that’s the way to go in the future, “Just Speak it”, with an inspirational and effortless app which revolutionizes the speech to text status updates is a great way to update the status with minimal efforts and so do like Vlingo this app too does perfect voice recognition which can be then used to update the status on twitter and facebook though in a text format and not in the audio format. Just install this app and press the button of “press + speak” and simply speak out the “status update” after which speak out the status update which you wish to post after which select on which platform you with to update he status, facebook or the twitter. Check the speech translation before you push the update to the respective platforms.
Ping page or Profile
Many times it happens that you want to update the status all at the same time, may be sometimes facebook as well as twitter. So, for mass distribution of the status updates you will have to use HelloTxT and Also, for the seamless integration, both these services hello txt and the work effectively.

How to post from twitter to facebook and vice-versa