For the HTML and PHP based websites, people usually play with the coding to create a contact page through which people can contact them directly from the website. For WordPress, there are quite many plugins available which get installed in a few minutes and you can set them with ease. But I always prefer something other than this as the plugins are always some load on the server, so having a low count of them is the best to keep the blog running fast.
For an easier option where you just need to insert a small code and get the form ready, check Kontactr. It is a simple online tool which makes things easier and you just need to register and take your code to be placed in any part of the website or blog page. The service is very easy to use and it also is pretty secured and spam-free as there is CAPTCHA protection, where following the correct entering of the code, the mail can be sent.
There are different type of codes given in the blog, that would help in placing the contact box. The commonly used one is the AJAX Embed Widget, that helps users to contact you by still staying on the your website/blog. And this is the simplest, without any customization needed while placing the code.
The other way of getting people to contact you is by using the Contact buttons, where people click on it to reach a contact form to enter the message. Although this might take your reader away from your web page, but still it is an easy way and looks decent and good as the button can be placed anywhere on the webpage.
The other method of placing the contact form where the users have a knowledge of editing the codes and placing it right, is the HTML Embed Widget, which can be placed in websites where the Javascript too is not allowed. The code can be customized to change the font, the size of the font and the styling of the widget.
Check the contact form tool at Kontactr!

Simple and easy Contact box for Websites and Blogs – Kontactr