Here today we are going to tell you about best alternative reminder app. There is no any shortage of reminder apps for iPhone in the App store, because iPhone is a tool frequently used for staying on task and remembering to do things when they need to be done as well. We searched the App Store for best alternatives that we hope so more useful than Apples. Let’s have a look…!
Do it Tomorrow:
Di it is one of the best App. You can purchase it in $0.99 and also can gain access to iCloud Sync. It is the procrastinators’ best friend. This app encourages you to plan things for future. If you don’t get it done, push the task off until tomorrow.
Orchestra To Do:
Orchestra is a best free app, it connects you with everyone you work with. This app is focus on collaboration and also working with others to get things done. This app supports recurring tasks and voice capture. It has coolest features and also has ability to chat with collaboration from inside a task.
It is a persnol assistant and reminder app. It is also free app and the app boasts 2.7 million users and has a community feel. You can add reminders with your voice. There are many key features in this app include cloud sync with, Facebook, Twitter, sharing tasks over email and also sharing public or private tasks.
Here is another free app Wunderlist which is available for iPhone and iPad. It has free cloud sync, a robust website and rave reviews. This app has many features including email reminders, lists with drag and drop, and notification as well.
Any.Do is one of the best to-do list app. This app is also free and also very easy to use. It supports inputting reminders by using your voice. The iPhone app helps you to get tasks done by syncing across multiple devices and Google Chrome browser. This app is also lets you speak to your phone and tell it what you want to do.

Best Alternatives To Apple’s Reminders App