The popular social network Facebook has started imposing restriction on violent images and videos. The warning states that such contents on the website might upset, offend or shock if viewed. When normal video clips can be automatically played in feeds – which is the default playback setting for video on a user’s facebook wall – those videos marked as “violent content” will be prevented from automatic streaming unless a user clicks to view on their own.
In addition, if a user has mentioned that he or she is under 18, Facebook will restrict showing such violent photos and videos altogether to underage users by default. According to a report, the safety advisers at Facebook have created pressure internally within the social network which has resulted in this move. However, critics believe that the move is still not enough for protecting vulnerable and young members of the social community.
So far many posts have been affected. However, the video footage of Ahmed Merabet, the policeman who was killed by a terrorist in Paris after Charlie Hebdo attacks last week, was among the first affected posts.
Facebook has often received criticism for allowing the posts that contain graphic and violent images . In fact, their guidelines include banning materials that are shared for glorifying or celebrating violent or sadistic pleasure. However, the site keeps posting the images from documentaries and new reports that depicts violence such a beheading, murder , etc. The most dangerous fact is that Facebook allows kids as young as 13 to join as its members and some kids even below that age joins by submitting false details. This is definitely dangerous for young minds to get exposed to such violent material on the website.
According to Facebook’s official declaration, they have started to roll out the restriction program from December last year. A spokesperson of Facebook said that they expect people to share content with responsibility keeping in mind who will see it. He added that their engineers are looking out for other ways on improving the scheme of imposing restrictions on violent contents.
However, some have also welcomed the move of Facebook by saying that they have taken right step to warn people against viewing psychologically damaging material.

Facebook to put strict restrictions on violent content posted by users