Whether you have an iPad or iPad mini, their monitors cannot compare to the much bigger HD TV sitting in your living room (or even bedroom).
Unlike the majority of Android tablets, the iPad does not boast an HDMI output since everything goes through Apple’s dock connector. Luckily, you can purchase Apple’s Digital AV adapter which offers you a complete-size HDMI output and a pass-through dock port for charging your iPad simultaneously.
The adapter is accessible 30-pin and Lightning editions for a rather costly £39. You will as well require a standard HDMI wire to connect between the adapter and your television.
It is vital to take into consideration that there are restrictions with both the wire and wireless techniques regarding what you will see on your television. So confirm if the apps you would like to use permit HDMI output prior to investing in an Apple TV or Digital AV adapter.
How to connect your iPad to your TV: Apple Digital AV adapter
Step 1: Connect the adapter
Attach the adapter to your iPad’s dock connector.
Step 2: Connect the HDMI cable
Attach an HDMI cable to both the Digital AV adapter and the TV. (Note that you can as well attach the HDMI cable to a properly-operational AV receiver instead of directly to your television. You can after that profit from the improved sound quality from the speakers connected to the receiver.)
Step 3: Select the right HDMI input
With your TV’s remote control, choose the right HDMI input (at times they are numbered and the side input is generally recognized as such). If you have attached an AV receiver, make sure you choose the right input. Several have a front-mounted HDMI input labeled AUX.
Step 4: Turn on your iPad
Switch on your iPad, unlock it and start the Photos app. You ought to see the chosen picture on both the iPad and your TV.
Step 5: Adjust your settings
If required, you may need to change your TV’s settings so the picture displays properly. Normally the automatic zoom setting attempts to evade any black borders and disfigures the picture or zooms in and crops the top and bottom frames.
Step 6: Launch the app
Start the app you would like to make use of. The majority of Apple’s apps support HDMI output, however a few catch-up TV and video streaming services do not.

How to connect your iPad to an HD TV