When it comes to article marketing, you have to know the first rule of successful article writing: quality over quantity. If you want to reach maximum exposure, you want to make sure that you write quality articles and focus on quality articles only. Writing quality article will give you maximum exposure and traffic when it comes the time to put your article to work for you.
How to maximize your article marketing campaign
In order to get the most from your article marketing campaign, you have to follow the step-by-step I write below. These steps will help you to write quality content and use it to drive the most exposure and traffic to your website. Here are the step-by-step methods that you should follow:
1. Creating optimized article for human and search engine
If you want to impress human readers with your article, there are some basic things that you need to implement in your article. These things must be included in each of your article in order for it to attract interest of your human readers.
- The article must be informative.
- The article must help your readers.
- The article must give accurate information.
- The article must be easy to understand.
- The article must be easy to read.
Those things will guarantee your article to attract interest from your human readers. Now, let us move forward to another critical step, which is to optimize your article for search engine. Similarly, it is so simple to make your article search engine friendly. You just need to make sure that you complete these following checklists:
- You must put your keyword in your article title.
- You must put your keyword in the first sentence of your article.
- You must put your keyword in your article body 2-4 times, depending on your article word count.
- You must put your keyword in the last paragraph of your article.
- You must include 2-3 related keywords in your article body.
That’s basically it. If you can craft an article that meets those checklists, you will have a strong article, ready to compete for search engine traffic.
Tip: What’s important for you is to create article that is designed to attract human readers and the search engines. What about the word count? To be able to impart necessary information in your article, you will need to make sure that your article has at least 400 words.
2. Writing a good resource box
Your resource box is the most important thing in your article. This part of your article is what will compel your readers to visit your website after reading your article. However, most people over-complicate the process of writing resource box. The truth is that writing a good resource box should be simple, and you don’t need to overcomplicate it. Here is what you will need to put in your resource box:
- Tell the readers the benefit of visiting your website
- Tell the readers about the thing that you offer them in your website, for free.
- Ask them to take a look and check out for themselves.
Those are the things you need to put in your resource box, nothing complicated here. Yet, when you really put those things in your resource box, you will be able to create resource box that will tempt your readers to take action immediately.
Tip: The best way to succeed with your article marketing campaign is to give first, monetize later. The best thing you can do with your article is to build your mailing list. Use your article to build your list, and you can monetize this list later.
3. Article distribution secrets
Now, you are ready with your article and you just need to submit your article to various article directories. However, hold on a second. In order to get the most exposure from your article, there are some secrets that you will need to know.
- Don’t use the same content in every article distribution website.
Suppose that you submit your article to EzineArticles.com and you want to submit your article again to ArticlesBase.com. Don’t do this. This will hurt the search engine ranking for your article. Instead, the best solution is to rewrite your article before you submit the article to another article distribution website. For the best and fastest way to rewrite your article, you need to use good article spinner software. However, you need to proofread your article before you use it.
- Submit to 10 article distribution websites
You really don’t need to submit your article to hundreds of article distribution websites. You just need to submit it to 10 article distribution websites.
- Convert your article
Before you create another high quality article, you can use it for even more exposure. There are 2 ways to do this. First, you will create video based on your article and submit it to at least 5 video sharing sites. Second, you will create PDF version of your article and submit it to at least 3 document sharing sites. This way, you will gain even more exposure from your article.
Tip: It is better for you to create one article and use this one article for maximum exposure by distributing this piece to various places instead of creating hundreds of articles and distribute those articles to some places only. In this way, you will profit more with each of your article and save your time as well.
If you want to get maximum exposure and traffic from your article marketing campaign, first you need to create a high quality article. Then, create a good resource box. Finally, you will need to distribute your article to various channels. Remember that quality is more important than quality if you want to get the most out of your article marketing campaign.
Article marketing is one of the dark horses of SEO. Some love it, some hate it. Read another interesting article titled, 5 Top Article Marketing Lies Told By So Called Experts. Article marketing, if done right, can make all the difference to your SEO.

How to Write Articles for Maximum Exposure and Traffic Boost