Mojostreet is a location based game, a money making stuff, and something cool for the smartphone users. You check-into places and this is similar to Foursquare and Gowalla, but this has a catch. You can earn and trade stuff. The guy from Mojostreet comes in, to talk about Mojostreet in the TechSparks event, 2011 in Hyderabad.
Facts about Mojostreet –
- View check-in history, discover new places
- Share and view tips
- Real world benefits for users who join through the private beta
- Special offers and discounts at the places you visit
- There are quite many business partners in Hyderabad, NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Partners of Mojostreet as of now –
Hyderabad – Sweet Nirvana, EveningHour
NCR – Cuppa, Italian Lounge Bar, Preston, My Way on The High Way
Mumbai – Maati
Bangalore – Chai Point
Overall, this is a pretty interesting application, we would be joining it and letting you all know how it is as the private entries are available only for Nokia and Blackberry users right now.

Session: Mojostreet – A Game App for SmartPhones – TechSparks