If you are aware of the DROID RAZR line, in that case you are aware of Smart Actions. Smart Actions permitted you to computerize actions founded on certain specifications for instance silence the phone between midnight and 7:00 am each day. Well Motorola made things easier with the Moto X and renamed it Assist. Motorola most likely found that users had a tough time with Smart Actions because there were numerous settings, hence you will just get the fundamentals in Assist: Driving, Meeting, and Sleeping.
These settings will simply be in operation while you are in a moving car (GPS should be enabled). Nevertheless, if you are not the driver, you can revoke it in the notifications part.
Just hit on “Driving” for additional alternatives.
You are offered two alternatives: “Talk to me” and “Resume music play.” Through checking “Talk to me”, you are informing your Moto X to broadcast who is calling you and/or to read text messages. On incoming calls, you will listen to an announcement for instance “Call from Jane Doe, declare Answer or Ignore” You basically say Answer to take the call or Ignore to disregard the call. For texts, you will listen to who the text is from together with the text of the message.
“Resume music play” will by design restart whatever music you were listening to earlier. If you are using Bluetooth streaming in your vehicle, nevertheless, if you are using the outside mic, it seems the Moto X does not begin automatically while plugging in, hence you may find it helpful.
These settings will be in operation while you have something planned in your calendar that is tagged as busy. Just like “Driving” you can revoke it in the notification part.
Just hit on “Meeting” for additional options.
You are offered two alternatives: “Silence” and “Auto reply.” Through checking “Silence”, you won’t be interrupted from anything. But by tapping the arrow sign, you can decide if you desire to go fully silent or permit vibrations. You can as well permit for a couple of exceptions for instance emergency states or your starred favorite contacts. Instead, you can choose eliminating everybody not including anybody that calls you twice in 5 minutes (favorites or not). If you like this choice, in that case check “Someone calls twice.” If you do not desire to be disrupted under any circumstances, in that case leave them both unchecked.
“Auto reply” is like the alternative found in the “Driving” mode. You can decide to have your Moto X send a repeated reply to missed calls from favorite contacts indicating that you are in a conference and that you will get back to them before long.
Who desires to be bothered while they are sleeping? No one does and you are most likely at all times silencing your cell phone just ahead of you going to bed. That works fine, however there are two hitches with it. The initial is you may forget to do it, which implies that any notices could wake you up. The second is that if your cell phone is on silent, in that case you have no way of recognizing that somebody with a likely emergency is attempting to reach you. The “Sleeping” mode resolves all of this.
Just hit on “Sleeping” for additional options.

Review: Moto assist