FTP is something to do with the internet and downloading. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. When you are using internet in one or the form you will always be downloading some thing without your knowledge. There are particular programs especially available to download some files from the internet when it is really required. For timely download in web it is always recommended to use FTP client or FTP programs. You can find many file transfer software’s but selecting the genuine one is most important. Some of the best FTP programs available in the web are discussed here.
It is also known as windows secure copy. This software is freely available over the internet and is an open source application. The best part of WinSCP is that it supports both SCP and SFTP protocols. It is alight weight application that has the ability to support remote test editing. If you open a file this software opens the same file in editor and saves it to the remote system. It also has synchronization option so that you can synchronize the files stored in system.
It is a shareware mainly used for Mac operating systems. It costs about 30 dollars. Most of the basic and innovative features of file transfer are covered here. It also supports remote text editing and folder synchronization. Most of its features are related to Mac. Some of the Mac centric features inbuilt in this shareware are droplet that helps in dragging and dropping the objects, dashboard widget, automator and inline previews. It also contains Transmit that helps in transferring files from one server to another server. There is separate version for windows users are also available.
The specialty of this FTP program is that it supports all platforms or operating systems with Firefox browser installed. It is normally used for occasion download and upload of the files. To run this software there is no need to install separate program as it runs with browser itself. If you are using Firefox then you can use it where ever you want.
It is open source and freely available FTP program that can be used in any operating system. it is famously known as cross platform software since it supports multiple operating systems. It is easy to use and reliable. There are different versions of this software available based on the usage. You can select the one which most suits your needs. You can also use FileZilla to create your own FTP server.
It is open source freely available FTP software specially designed for Mac operating system. Some of the Mac file transfer protocols it supports are Amazon S3 and WebDAV. Some of the features available with this application are remote text editing, quick look and Growl. For Mac users who are comfortable in using FileZilla you can use this software as alternative solution. It effectively transfers files between different systems. You can download all these FTP software’s over the internet at free of cost.

The 5 Best FTP Client – Windows and Mac OS