Below is the list of android smartphone vendor list. Please get the appropriate driver for your respective smartphone device:
- Acer Android USB Driver
- Asus Android USB Driver
- Dell Android USB Driver
- Fujitsu Toshiba Android USB Driver
- Google USB Driver
- HTC Android USB Driver
- Huawei Android USB Driver
- Lenovo Android USB Driver
- LG Android USB Driver
- Motorola Android USB Driver
- Samsung Android USB Driver
- Sony Mobile Android USB Driver
The Google USB Driver works for the following devices:
- Nexus One
- Nexus S
- Nexus 4
- Nexus 7
- Nexus 10
- ADP1 / T-Mobile G1*
- ADP2 / Google Ion / T-Mobile myTouch 3G*
- Verizon Droid*
* Or similar hardware on other carriers
All other devices require Windows drivers provided by the respective hardware manufacturer, as listed in the OEM USB Drivers document.
The Galaxy Nexus driver is distributed by Samsung (listed as model SCH-I515).
Note: If you’re developing on Mac OS X or Linux, then you do not need to install a USB driver. To start developing with your device, read Using Hardware Devices.

Download USB drivers for Samsung, HTC, ASUS, LG Android smartphones