Smartphones are taking over the market, over the normal phones which were traditionally used to make calls and send/receive text messages. According to a latest research, the smartphones have taken 40% share in the total penetration, and now not just the young and middle-aged but even the older age people are getting their hands on the smartphones to take the level of usage to something more than just making calls. From the data collected by Pew Research Centers Internet & American Life Project, Tatango compiled some data and has created an infographic to explain the same.

When it comes to Smartphones, the main focus is probably on the iOS, Android and the Symbian operating systems where people download apps, use the phone in many different ways, and the devices which have good cameras too are a part of this infographic.
According to it, Text Messaging is the highest stuff that generally users do, at 92%, followed by Taking photos and Internet browsing. The main missing point in the infographic is “Talking on the Phone” which too has to be at certain percentage, as it isn’t 100%. People talk on the phone for an hour, and on the same day, they use the phone for various other purposes for many hours. Social networking too has taken a good percentage of usage, with 59% and in which Facebook is the most popular one, Tweeting is 15% and checking into the Foursquare places is 12%.

The survey and Infographic is not global, and is based on the American public and their smartphone usage.

Smartphone Usage Infographic
Source: Tatango Mass Text Messaging

Taking this to the other level, its not just text messaging which you would be doing, but even send call & sms notifications to computer.

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