The hit iOS7 game Flappy bird has no future in the App Store and Google Play after standing the test of time as the best game on the app market. Its designer and creator, Dong Nguyen, has been seen in a number of social media comments and tweets saying he cannot stand that nightmare. He as well stressed that the removal of the game was not anything related to the breach of law and despite the removal, he will still be at the top of the game by developing other games. To prove his tenacity, he took crucial ground for not selling the Flappy Bird brand to interested parties.
The Sad News:
It was pretty surprising that Nguyen has come up with the decision to end support for Flappy Bird well known as ‘New Angry Birds’ even with the fact that he was pulling close to $50,000 daily from it. Its major objective was simplified to flying a bird without hitting pipes but in case it hits obstacles in the course, then the game is over. It actually has a large following since the moment you start, it gets pretty addictive hence with abrupt cut off, will mean a staggering niche.
To make it a little bit serious, the game was automatically removed from the market and the Vietnamese owner ripped out of his daily target. Before it was removed, the owner had apologized to his followers both on tweeter and facebook that he could not handle the pressure anymore.
To be frank, the game had become a global app sensation which made Nguyen grow wearier in matters of the success it had. He even blamed the press for overrating its success which was something he never wanted to ever happen, hence the stress left him begging for peace.
The Flappy Bird game is an 8-bit game that needs the users to navigate a series of gaps that are formed by Mario-esque green tunnels and when you tap the screen, the bird flaps it wings. Once you have an Ios7 Smartphone, it was among the best games to create you interest on playing hence free download charts when installed. The mobile scrolling game is more marked with 2D retro style graphics and the viewer could have an easy chance tapping to flip the wings forward without colluding with the obstacles to keep the game on.
Despite the many questions raised touching the games’ similarities with Mario, The owner had developed it with an independent mind and its removal was not based on legal pressures. Sometime later, it was revealed that the same prohibited game ‘Flappy Bird Window Phone App was to be released the following week.
This was not what most people expected hence a launch that looked more of jeopardy, since after downloading the application they would not have quality time to play that game. In case you had fallen victim of this happening or had these downloads already in your Smartphone, you should not worry since they can still perform.

Flappy bird for iOS7