A malware (Unflod) has tactfully crept into countless users’ of iPhones, most particularly after you have repos that have cracked/pirate apps and tweaks included to your sources. Details are incredibly sketchy regarding how the tweak crept in however what it does is at this moment incredibly clear.
The malware is known as Unflod. It is tucked noticeably within Mobile Substrate and can be taken out quite effortlessly if you have iFile. What it does – redditors have discovered – is that it saves your Apple ID and password and mails it to a Chinese server like plain text. Frightening as it is, nobody knows how many accounts have been compromised or what harms have happened up to now.
To keep yourself shielded, you ought to do two things:
- Remove Unflod.dylib
- Alter your AppleID Password (if possible, on the PC)
How to Remove Unflod
To get rid of Unflod from your iPhone, you will require iFile. You can download it from Cydia. After that:
- Launch iFile
- Steer to /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries
- Hit on Edit from the top
- Scroll down, locate Unflod.dylib and choose it.
- Hit on the Delete sign
Changing your Apple ID password
We strongly advocate this security measure. It is a pain in the back however; you need to do this if you have a jail broken iPhone where you have utilized your Apple ID.
- Go to https://appleid.apple.com
- Sign-in to your account
- Click on Password and Security
You can either respond security questions to alter the password or select “Send reset security info to email” to have your password reset / to make a new password.
Shielding yourself from iOS Malware
For all the lavish advantages that jail breaking offers, varying from amazing lockscreen tweaks to customizations of every conceivable kind, this is the risk it brings.
Those that do not jailbreak are very safe: Apple examines Apps vigorously and Apple’s code is secure enough (apart from the few times it goes in opposition to this assumption).
However, when you jailbreak, you are actually at the leniency of your individual knowledge, caution and the society’s combined effort. Nearly all the time, a piracy-related repo comes about to be the origin of a malware. This time as well, looks just like it.

How to Recover and Shield Your Apple Identification from Jailbreak Malware