There are many ways to back up your Instagram pictures on a laptop or PC; here is where you get some of the best techniques hence you can learn how to save Instagram pictures to a PC or laptop.
The easiest and quickest method to save Instagram pictures on your PC or laptop is to make use of the website Instaport on your PC. This is a service that will log in to your Instagram account and mechanically download all of your pictures to a zip file at the tap of the button. Here is how to utilize Instaport:
Step one
Visit the website and key in your Instagram login information.
Step two
The next thing you should do is input the number/date range of pictures you would like to download and after that click the New Export button.
Step three
Now all you need to do is wait. Dependent on how many pictures you encompass in your Instagram account, the downloading time will differ.
When the download is finished, you will basically need to unzip the file that is downloaded and all of your Instagram pictures will be tidily stored as jpeg files.
The substitute method to save your Instagram pictures is to save them while you take them on your Smartphone.
To accomplish this, start Instagram on your Smartphone and go to your profile. From here go to Options.
Now make sure that the Save to Library button is turned on. Immediately this is on, all the photos you take from the Instagram app will be saved to your camera folder. The next time you back up your cell phone to your laptop or PC, your instagram photos will be uploaded as well.
The last way you can save your Instagram pictures to your PC or laptop is by connecting you account to Facebook and after that physically saving them one at a time.
This is somewhat a laborious process; however it can be achieved by connecting Instragram to your Facebook account through the options list of options in your Instagram app on your Smartphone.
From here you can see all your Instragram pictures on Facebook through going to your Profile > Photos > Albums > Instagram pictures. Your next job is to make bigger every photo you would like to save, right click on it, and choose Save Image As…
You after that basically need to choose where you would like to save the file and the picture will be downloaded as a jpeg.

How to save Instagram pictures to a PC or laptop